We welcome partnerships with organisations that share our mission of putting child safeguarding at the heart of everything they do. That is why we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to the organising committee, who have help make this event the success we hoped it would be.
Introducing our organising committee
Arigatou International is a non-profit organization that draws on universal principles of common good to offer compelling new ways for people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to work together on children's issues.
A.O. Centrul de Informare si Documentare privind Drepturile Copilului din Moldova (CIDDC) is an NGO in Moldova whose mission is to contribute to an enabling rights environment, strengthening the capacities of the duty bearers and empowering rights holders to claim their rights.
Child Fund Alliance is a global network of 11 child-focused development organisations that helps nearly 13 million children and their families in more than 65 countries. We work to end violence and exploitation against children and to overcome poverty and the underlying conditions that prevent children from achieving their full potential.
Hintalovon is a foundation whose mission is to enforce and support the rights of children living in Hungary
Kids Alive International has rescued orphans and other vulnerable and forgotten children in 12 countries around the world.
SOS Children’s Villages International is the umbrella organisation for the global federation of SOS Children’s Villages. They work in more than 130 countries and territories, reaching over one million children, young people, families and caregivers each year. As a non-governmental social development organisation, they help children without parental care and those at risk of losing it.
The Students and Youths Empowerment Forum (SYEF) is a civil society organisation which works for the wellbeing of children and youths. Its thematics include protection against all forms of harm, peace and security, gender equality, quality education and empowerment amongst others.
Terre Des Hommes is a network of ten national organisations working for the rights of children and promoting equitable development without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination.
Villages of Hope Africa is a Canadian charitable organization registered with the CRA bringing hope to children in need throughout Africa.
WePROTECT is a Global Alliance that believes that we must act together, now, to end the sexual exploitation of children online.
What our speakers say
Kirsten Mullin
Programme Associate at InterAction
Speaking at Faith and Child Safeguarding 2021
"About creating a healthy youth empowering culture: for me the most important thing is to talk about safeguarding and to normalise it as part of our everyday practice. And to make sure that it is understandable for the children and young people you are working with."
Nancy Maguire
Technical Lead for People with Lived Experience
Child and Youth Participation Manager
Speaking at Faith and Child Safeguarding 2021
"A strong culture of safeguarding is crucial to achieving the elimination of all forms of violence against children. This is true whether we are talking about violence online or offline, and violence against children in all settings. That is why promoting the highest safeguarding standards is a priority.
Violence will continue until child safeguarding is taken seriously at all levels by national governments, local authorities and by organisations in the community working for and with children."
Najat Maalla M’jid
UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) on Violence against Children
Speaking at KCS 2020 Summit
"I want to congratulate the CEO Sarah Blakemore and her colleagues at KCS. I was privileged to be the chairperson of the board of trustees of KCS before I took up my current role. I am delighted to see how it's worked to safeguard children, including training and creation of accreditation mechanisms, is gaining traction for their benefit."
Jane Connors
UN Victim's Rights Advocate
Speaking at KCS 2020 Summit
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